April 25, 2014

Top 20 'Natural' Barbie Beauties

Traditionally, when you think "Barbie" you don't really think natural hair in that same thought bubble…but lately I've been seeing some absolutely beautiful natural hair barbies! 

(Just a little barbie music while you read lol…)

Here's my top 20 list….These should definitely be more widely available/accessible in stores…

April 22, 2014

The Battle Continues...

Last week I posted about the "war" on natural hair and it seems that the battle continues within the actual context of war as well.

One of my friends recently sent me an article that discusses the army's new "grooming regulations". Decide for yourself, but again, they seem specifically designed to marginalize and denigrate natural hair/traditional "black styles" and really just women in general for some of the rules.

AR (Army Regulation) 670-1 makes twists, both 
flat twists and as well as two strand twists 
as well as dreadlocks, which are defined as 
"any matted or locked coils or ropes of hair" 
unauthorized hairstyles.

Read the Article here:  http://www.myfoxla.com/story/25142086/soldiers-claim-grooming-regulations-are-racist

However, I will say that in this specific case, some of the regulations make sense and seem to have a basis in safety standards instead of this "professionalism" standard. For example, wearing scrunchies that are similar to hair color only or not adding beads to braided styles, or ensuring that hair is properly secured all make safety sense to me. On the other hand, regulating whether the part in their hair is a straight line, whether the cut is symmetrical, whether they wear locs or twists?….those bans seem to be a bit overboard.

Here is the complete AR 670-1: http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r670_1.pdf

Are you interested in SIGNING THE PETITION?

Do you think that the new regulations are outrageous or do they make sense to you?

- "Mo hair"


Rahkua Ishakarah

April 15, 2014

I Declare War?

Besides the everyday struggle of getting "validation" from the general population, Naturals also face a more problematic issue: the systematic implementation of institutionalized natural hair discrimination. Maybe that's a bit of a mouthful but it speaks to a very real problem that marginalizes our hair choices and deems them inferior. 

April 8, 2014

'Da Kink In My Hair

In 2001, Canadian playwright Trey Anthony, debuted her inspirational and heart wrenching play, "Da Kink In My Hair" at the Toronto Fringe Festival. It has since toured in many different countries and was even adapted into a television series for a few years. 

"I sometimes wondered if I'd even make it through, but I've 
discovered my strength and found the path to my truth"
- 'Da Kink Song 

April 1, 2014


We've all heard this word before: "Ghetto" and unfortunately it is a word that holds negative connotation usually associated with blacks or black stereotypes/behavior/style/speech/culture etc.

It's funny to think about the word's origin since it really had nothing to do with African Americans:


(formerly, in most European countries) a section of a city in which all Jews were required to live.
a section predominantly inhabited by Jews.

The word is more often thought of in terms of its slang definition now.


pertaining to or characteristic of life in a ghetto or the people who live there: ghetto culture.
Slang: Often Disparaging and Offensive. noting something that is considered to be unrefined, low-class,cheap, or inferior: Her furniture is so ghetto!