September 27, 2016

Preparing For The Big Natural Chop! (a Behind the Scenes look)

The big day had finally arrived and I wanted to document every moment of it! I set up a "Before & After" interview with a fellow youtuber @phenomenalmark from NaturalKing215 to talk some hair :)

I wanted to set up a video and photo shoot for the special day because I've been "chickening out" for the longest now and I figured maybe involving other people in the process would help me to commit to my decision.

So, on Thursday, be on the lookout for Behind the Scenes footage of the "BEFORE" shoot with Mark, where I discuss my journey, my motivations, my anticipations and more!

In the meantime, below, check out some BTS photos from the interview!!

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

Instagram: @aHeadOfMyHair


September 20, 2016

Beach Day! (Saying Goodbye to the Locs)

As I mentally prepare to cut my hair, I wanted to relax on the beach saying my final goodbyes out to the undulating waves of the vast ocean. Lol...yes, dramatic. It was a truly therapeutic experience though. I had some great company, ate some bomb sushi, felt the amazing breeze (that got a little too cold after 7pm), saw the beautiful lights of the Santa Monica Pier, and carved out a good junk of journal writing time for personal reflection.

In the midst of all that wonderfulness, I filmed a little blog post that you can check out on my youtube  channel later this week!

So anyway, I just wanted to share that with you all and leave you with some "last looks" at my luscious locks!

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

Instagram: @aHeadOfMyHair


September 13, 2016

TOP TEN Things I'm NOT Looking Forward To (After the Big Natural Chop)

Just like I did with my "gonna miss/not gonna miss" post...I wanted to talk about some of the things that I feel will suck about chopping my hair off:

1. Detangling
2. Long hours of styling
3. Rediscovering how to do my hair
4. Finding the best ways to manage my hair textures
5. Protective styling
6. Buying/discovering new hair products and a "real" comb
7. Blow drying my hair
8. The long tedious straightening process
9. Shrinkage
10. Not having long hair!

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

Instagram: @aHeadOfMyHair


September 6, 2016

TOP TEN Things I'm Looking Forward To (After the Big Natural Chop)

Of course while there are things I will definitely miss AND things I can live without, there are also a couple things that I am definitely looking forward to after chopping it all off!

1. Relieving some of the weight of all that hair!
2. Trying out an asymmetrical bob 
3. Rocking my "baby hair & afro"
4. Letting my scalp breathe
5. Showers/washing my hair with more ease
6. Running my fingers through my hair
7. Having "bae" play in my hair
8. Cute short hair styles
9. Having "big hair"
10. Having one consistent look throughout my head (not having to disguise half of it with hats/scarves for certain styles)

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

Instagram: @aHeadOfMyHair


September 2, 2016

TOP TEN Things I'm NOT Gonna Miss (After the Big Natural Chop)

So earlier this week I posted ten of the things I'd miss about having my long, lustrous I thought it only natural to follow up with ten of the things I WON'T miss about my hair. Here we go!

1. Having to wash ALL that long hair.
Wash day can sometimes be a pain because of soooo much hair. You definitely have to block out a whole day for the process.

2. The air-dry wait time
I don't own a blow dryer so it takes FOREVER for my hair to dry. I won't miss those wet pillow cases!

3. Long Hair
I know this one was on my "Miss List" but it goes here too because sometimes all that long hair just gets in the way and gets pretty tedious.

4. The weight
Most of the time I don't notice it, but from time to time my head feels like it weighs two tons and I'm betting it's from all that hair.

5. Picking out lint balls
Yes, lint balls get stuck in there every now and then. You gotta pick them out unless you're going for the unkempt look....I am not.

6. Getting caught by my hair 
I very often get stuck because my hair gets caught up in my clothes, backpack, doors, jewelry, etc. and I feel a little silly detangling myself from myself.

7. Feeling grossed out when my hair sweeps the floor as I bend down
It's just soooo long, that if I don't remember to hold it up when I bend down while it's in a down-do then it definitely touches the ground. This is especially gross in restrooms lol.

8. The questions
I get soo many questions about my hair, and most of the time I don't really mind, but it does get exhausting after a while. It's one of the reasons I created this blog!

9. Difficulty finding a good sleep position
Some hairstyles are IMPOSSIBLE to sleep on with "hard hair" lol...I won't miss that. I love a good night's sleep.

10. Hair discrimination
I don't feel like I am subjected to this very often or anything but there have definitely been those moments where I felt like I knew I was being treated a certain way because of my locks or not getting a certain role or gig because of them. The world needs to change.

What things do you NOT miss after cutting your hair?

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

Instagram: @aHeadOfMyHair