June 19, 2018

Baldie Updates

I have been absolutely loving this experience! 
I never expected to feel so feminine and freed by actually cutting away what is generally associated with femininity... 
I've had an influx of positive responses since the big chop that really have made me question everything folks (including myself) believe(d) about length goals. Like really, the amount of times I get complimented have probably doubled haha.
I wash my hair so much more often these days...probably like 3-5 days a week vs the 3-5 days per month I was used to before. It's just so much easier. Everything is much easier. Wash day, getting dressed each day, achieving a satisfactory style that compliments my outfit etc. I don't know how things will change once it starts to grow back, but for now I am loving the process.

Do you regret your cut decisions?

How did your post-cut expectations match up to your reality?

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

Instagram: @aHeadOfMyHair

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