June 3, 2014

INTERVIEW - The 'Natural' Transition

I'm one of the 184 awesome blogs in the Natural Hair Blog Directory. Sometimes I come across some really interesting stories in the network. 

I recently found a blog on the directory called Naturally From MeA blog dedicated to the empowerment of young African-American women, through inspirational thoughts, advice and ideas from a kinky-haired college student. Get inspired today with plenty of posts about hair, life and goals.

And there was a post about transitioning out of locs

The author, Sarie, had dredlocks and decided she was ready for a change but of course wanted to stay natural….so she combed them out and embraced the fro! I've always imagined making a similar transition someday and wanted to figure out some way to shed the locs but retain the length. Not saying that it will happen anytime soon, haha, but I did gain some great insight into the process for when I am ready. Read Sarie's interview below:

Interview: YesSarie

* How long have you been natural?
I have been natural all of my life. I have never gotten a perm or put any chemicals in my hair in order to change my hair texture.

* How long did you have dreadlocks?
I had locs for almost 7 years. I took them out July 2013.

* Did you ever have problems at school or at work because of your hair?
I never faced any problems at school or work because of my hair. People were mostly intrigued by it and I got frequent questions about it. People always assumed that my mom also had locs which is not the case.

What made you decide to cut your locs?
I was looking for a change. I wanted something different. I was in the mix of moving into a new house, transferring to a new university, and I wanted to do something that was just for me.

* How long did the transition from locs to loose hair take/Did you do it yourself?
With the help of my mom it took about three days to comb out my locs.

How much length did you lose from the comb out/Was the remaining hair very fragile?
I can’t be specific about how much hair I lost. It was definitely a
few inches. The remaining hair was very fine. I had a lot of split
ends from the excessive combing and pulling.

I've heard of someone boiling their locs out…did you consider/research any other methods before deciding to comb it out?
I did do a lot of research in taking down locs. I actually never came across the boiling method. So I’m not familiar with that at all. I shampooed my locs, then soaked my hair with conditioner (VO5), I cut the ends off and starting picking the loc apart. In the last two years I have gotten interlocking done so when I got close to the root is was very easy to take out and I didn’t need a comb.

Was it difficult to take them apart or were your locs loosely formed?
Yeah it was very difficult to take them out when I started from the bottom. I probably could have cut a little more off from the ends of my hair and it would have been easier. It is also very important to make sure you do not take your locs off on dry hair! Keep it wet and moisturized with conditioner.

Reflecting on the process do you think it would've been easier to just cut the locs off and start the regrowth process rather than taking the time to comb it out?
No not necessarily, although it was a long process. I believe it was well worth it. I just wasn’t in the right place to do a big chop and feel comfortable with it.

Do you find it more or less difficult to maintain you natural hair now?
I guess I would say it is more difficult maintaining my hair now because I am start in the learning process. I’m trying different things trying to figure out what works best for my hair.

Do you miss your locs/ever consider retwisting them?
I miss my locs every now and then but I think it is mostly because I get a little frustrated with my loose hair. I just have to have patience with my hair now.

Any advice for someone interested in making the loc to fro transition?
If you decide to take out your locs just be aware that it is going to take long to retain your length unlike when you have locs. You don’t feel the heaviness of your locs though so it’s a blessing and curse lol

Do you have any questions for Sarie?

Have you ever considered the 'natural big chop' yourself?

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

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