August 20, 2014

PRODUCT REVIEW: Makeba's Magnificents

This week, as promised, I wanted to talk about a product I got from the Nappywood Weekend LA Natural Hair Expo a couple weeks ago called Makeba's Magnificents.

I saw the creator, Dwana, and asked if I could take a picture because I loved her hair. She has locks and was rocking an awesome style (I wish you could see more of it in the picture…). She in turn asked if she could take one as well because she loved mine (which, of course, at the time was a natural wig). 

We started talking about my hair blog and she told me about one of her products that I agreed to review. She's actually a fellow southerner too (She's from Louisiana)! 

So the product is called
Makeba's Magnificent. It's made of all natural products: coconut oil, aloe vera oil, and honey. 

Makeba's Magnificents has no particular fragrance to it and I usually like my products to be scented so that was kind of a minus for me but overall it was pretty great. 

There weren't any instructions as to how to use it nor what it was "supposed" to do so I just used it as a stand-alone on my damp (newly washed) hair. It gave me a pretty decent shine and didn't necessarily need to be paired with anything else to achieve a similar look to what I usually use. It left my hair light and fluffy and without a greasy texture. Because of it's consistency, I would probably use Makeba's Magnificent as like a replacement gel rather than a standalone product though. My hair loves to devour product so it requires something a bit heavier to coat and sustain it. But the fact that it's all natural is definitely a bonus. 

If you'd like to get your own:

Contact Info:
Dwana Makeba (Owner/Stylist - Beauty On De Bayou Natural Hair Salon)
Instagram: @beautyondebayou
Twitter: @beautyondebayou
Google+: +beautyondebayou 

Have you ever used this product? If so, what did you think?

What are your recommendations for similar products?

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

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