May 27, 2014

Style Alert: FoHawk

So last week's post was basically just an advertisement for my show celebrating the one year anniversary of my debut album, "Love, Loss, Lies", haha, so I wanted to give another style update/tutorial this week.


I was deciding between a couple options for how I wanted to wear my hair for the concert and finally went with a fohawk look. Here's how to achieve the look!

May 20, 2014

"Love, Loss, Lies" LIVE

This week I wanted to take a brief deviation from the "regularly scheduled program" to share my excitement with my concert tomorrow celebrating the one year anniversary of the release of my debut album, "Love, Loss, Lies"! 

May 13, 2014


A simple to achieve, cute, and quick hairdo is PIGTAILS :) 

I really like this "blast to the past" style and it can be dressed up, funky, or cutesy… Here's an example from an interview I did wearing some funky pigtails with a twist: I used fishtail braid technique instead of a regular 3 strand plait.

May 6, 2014

Length Check!

About a year and a half ago, I cut my hair for the first time in my life…after like 23 years of growth! 

It was kind of semi-traumatic, haha. I definitely missed my hair, even though it was only about 5 or 6 inches (what am I going to do when I cut it all!?). I think I've finally grown it back though. 

SO time for a length check!