August 26, 2014

Style Alert: Pompadour

Even before Janelle Monae made it cool (which she does SO well), I loved to rock the pompadour. It looks très cool and gives some major volume and dimension to your hair!

(here's a sort of side swept pomp)

I thought the word pompadour was a little funny sounding so I wanted to see where it came from…apparently King Louis XV had a mistress named
Madame de Pompadour! Haha, I guess she made it popular back in the 18th century. Well, now it has come back in full force and Naturalistas everywhere are proving they can rock it too! I've even seen some done well with dreadlocks and twists too so nope, no need to straighten.

(afro pomp with hat accessory)

The way I achieve mine is pretty simple. I've done it a variety of ways but i'll share the quickest/most simple way that I employ most of the time now after all the test trials to find the perfect method for my pomp:

(a front and center pomp for my performance)


  • elastic hairbands
  • product (gel/grease for me) *optional
  • bobbypins (2-4)
  • *optional flatiron
Step 1:
Section off the area and size of your hair that you want to use for the voluminous pompadour. I usually gather a nice portion of the front and center hair then flat twist, braid, or brush down the sides. You can choose this or a more off centered look of whatever size fits your needs.

Step 2: *optional
Sometimes if I want a more uniform and sleek looking pompadour, I will straighten my loose hair first either mechanically (with a flatiron) or naturally (prep hair in large detangled flat twist wrapped up over night; when i take down it usually "straighter" and easier to manipulate and nicely lubricated versus using just washed more tightly coiled hair). As an alternative though, you can also do the pomp with fro'd "non-detangled" hair as well. It just depends on the aesthetic you're going for. I have examples of both pictured.

Step 3:
Take your elastic band and secure the very end of the sectioned off hair for the pomp. 

Step 4:
Use the bobby pins to secure the section of hair to your head. I usually tuck the end under itself so the elastic band isn't seen. The placement of this end will determine how high and dense the pomp appears.  Keep it smaller for a more casual look and bigger for a more dramatic look.

Step 5:
Figure out what you want to do with the remaining hair. I will sometimes put the back in a bun or 3 head-centered rolls (like a "pompadour fohawk") or in a simple ponytail. Decide what works best for your occasion.

(here's a textured "twist out" pomp)

I wanna see your pomps! Tag me in your fav pompadour 'do on Instagram: @rahkua_lovelosslies

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah


  1. I was addicted to the pompadour look back in high school. I mean, I really had it baaaad lol. Not sure if I'll pull that trick out of my hat any time soon. But, it looks as great as i remember. Nice job.

    1. Haha, i actually didn't even try it out until like late college, and yea, I love how it looks but I end up fussing over it throughout the day too much for it to be a go to hairdo for me lol. Thanks for reading!

  2. Forreal tho! I love the pomp :) Love the article!!!
