October 14, 2014

Let's Set the Record Straight...

So I straighten my hair from time to time (I've probably done it like 5-8 times at most in 25 years…). I have no issues with putting heat on my hair, I just rarely do it because it takes too much time and hassle for something that doesn't last very long and doesn't make much of a difference for most of the styles I gravitate toward more often. BUT, I still do it from time to time just to keep it interesting and continue showing the diversity of natural hair. 

Most of the time, I just twist it back up when I straighten it. It gives a more sleek look to the twists sometimes and also allows for a more controlled poof when I do my pompadour: 

There have been like 2 or 3 times though that I wore it out when I straightened it. Once for halloween in college (when I also spray dyed it pink!), and once last year around Christmas. That last time was pretty cool and the longest I've kept it out and styled like that. I held out for like a week or two before I put it back into my twists. Here are the pics!

The biggest question I get when I wear it like this is, "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE DREDLOCKS!?" or "DID YOU CUT IT?" Well, as you may see, I just throw a hat on the back to cover the locks and tucked it in different ways to achieve various styles and lengths…no cutting involved!

It was fun and I loved the look, but I don't think I could get used to it being only that all the time…it was waaay more maintenance too. In the words of Sweet Brown….Aint nobody got time for that!

How often do you straighten your hair?

Which look do you prefer?

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

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