November 8, 2016

STYLE ALERT: Flat-twisted Fro

I'm really still getting used to having short hair...but I wanted to show you guys like one of my first attempts at styling since the cut...I'm happy with the result.

I didn't need anything new to achieve the style than what I had been using before, so already that made me happy. Basically I just flat-twisted the front until about a third of the way up my head and put the ends in two-strand twist bantu knots.

Then I combed out the back and put those in two-strand twist bantu knots as well....This was a pretty difficult feat since the hair is SO short back there.
After I got it all up, I wrapped my hair until morning. When it was time to get ready for the day, I just took down the bantu knots and finger picked my hair until I got the shape that I wanted! Here are some side, top, and back views:

Then, of course, I used my hair toothbrush to define my edges and voila, a look!
I kept it up for about 3 days. It would have lasted longer, I think, but I had to take it down because I needed to restyle my hair for a photoshoot I had that week. I can't wait to try it again and leave it up a little longer to see how long a life it has.

Check out the video here:

- "Mo hair"

Rahkua Ishakarah

Instagram: @aHeadOfMyHair


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